Daily Archives: August 14, 2012

Three Sisters

Ellen, Katie, and Hannah

Ellen, Katie, and Hannah

Here’s another photo that doesn’t need much description. The three beautiful daughters of Stuart and Donna.

From left to right, Ellen, Katie, and Hannah.

Thanks for letting us intrude when Hannah came home for a few days.

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Harold The Classy Scotsman

Harold The Classy Scotsman

Harold The Classy Scotsman

I’m not sure what to say about this post. It’s a photograph of a drawing and while I took the photograph (which earns it the dubious right to be posted here), the drawing was done by Dorothy. We were at a friend’s house and Dorothy started drawing on their whiteboard. This is how it ended up. Interesting.

Note that Harold is wearing argyle socks and wing-tip shoes. Also, I’m informed that he is wearing tails but you can’t see them from the front. He thinks that bow-ties are cool.

Categories: Miscellaneous | 1 Comment