Daily Archives: December 15, 2013

Mars Scape



Obviously this isn’t really a picture of the surface of Mars. It’s just a little pile of Hungarian paprika on the counter. It’s almost the right color, though, for a Martian landscape. Actually, it was a bit hard to correct the color cast that my camera’s auto-white-balance set. There isn’t anything here that should be white, which is what I usually look for when correcting color shifts. Anyway, I thought I’d share the picture, even though it isn’t worth all that much, artistically or otherwise.

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Clivia Berries

Clivia Berries

Clivia Berries

Over a year ago (September, 2012) our clivia bloomed. Fifteen months later, the fruit (which are berries) are still on the plant and adequately ripe. This is one slow plant to reproduce. The fruit are quite beautiful, though, so I have hesitated to take them off. Now that they are starting to fall off naturally, I’ll see if I can get them to germinate and grow. It will likely be six or seven years before any that do grow are ready to bloom, but if all goes well, I may have a few that I can give away sometime in the spring.

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