Daily Archives: January 6, 2014


Drinking Glass Shadows

Drinking Glass Shadows

We were having dinner and I noticed the light shining through my glass, after I had finished drinking. The light source is a chandelier with a bunch of small lights, so it throws multiple shadows at slightly different angels. Because the glass isn’t perfectly smooth or pure, and because it is blue, there are bright lines in the light coming through the glass, crisscrossing each other to form these patterns on a sheet of white paper I put under the glass. Naturally, as the glass gets thicker toward the bottom, the light shining through it becomes bluer.

Misty Mountains

Misty Mountains

After taking a bunch of pictures of the shadows of the glass, I tried using a blue glass vase that was in the room. The glass is thicker and the blue is darker so no light made it through to turn the shadows blue. I suppose I could have made them blue after the fact, but this is the color they looked to me at the time.

In his picture, the multiple lights produced shadows that feel to me like mountains fading into the haze of distance.

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