Daily Archives: March 20, 2014

Sprouting Peony

Peony Sprout

Peony Sprout

Spring is an unstoppable force and it’s coming. On Monday we had 8 to 10 inches of snow covering everything. Now, a mere three days later, there isn’t any snow left at all and it feels like spring again. The snowdrops and Eranthis that I photographed recently look as though they didn’t know anything about being covered with snow. They are happily blooming again (or still), now that the snow is gone.

Around the side of the house, a more exciting sign of spring is the small, bright red shoots of the peony are coming up. Are you a fan of peonies? I am and need more of them. Their bloom is all too short but while they are blooming, they are amazing. Before you know it, this tiny red stem will have a huge ball of petals balanced at the top.

I can’t wait.

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