Daily Archives: May 19, 2014




I have a small, rectangular container filled with chives and it comes up each year, happy as ever. Every year I take pictures of the chive flowers but try to get something new, but they really don’t vary very much. So, this year I tried to make it look more like a small section of a field of chives.

One nice thing about having a container of chives is going out with a pair of scissors and cutting a small bunch to add to dinner. I also like cutting a flower head and chopping that up as a garnish. It adds both flavour and colour to a dish. We have a friend who is a little unnerved by flowers in food, but in this case, it really is a good thing. Little pale, purple, and slightly oniony bits floating on soup, sprinkled over a juicy piece of grilled steak, or on a fresh salad adds a wonderful touch.

Try it, you may like it.

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