Daily Archives: July 24, 2014

Laser Retina Repair

Slit Lamp with Argon Laser

Slit Lamp with Argon Laser

I visited my retina specialist today. The appointment was set up before I even had the cataract surgery scheduled but because of that surgery and the problems I had last week, I was glad to have it set up. The doctor saw a small piece of retina that was torn, so he had me wait a little while and give it a blast with his laser. This is not the greatest picture because of the dark background, but it shows the equipment he uses for this procedure. The box on the right (the lower one) controls the laser mounted on the slit lamp. He gave my eye 41 pulses of the laser to weld my retina to the underlying choroid layer of my eye. Afterward they took a photo of my eye that shows the site and I asked the technician to email me the picture, which is pretty cool. I won’t say I enjoy having a laser shined into my eye, but when it’s a choice between that and a detached retina, I’ll take the laser.

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