Daily Archives: September 4, 2014

Black-eyed Susan, From Behind

Black-eyed Susan, From Behind

Black-eyed Susan, From Behind

I went out to take pictures this evening and didn’t find a lot new to photograph. There were some old mushrooms and I got pictures of them, but they were pretty ugly pictures of mushrooms turning to mush. There are still a huge number of black-eyed Susans and blue mistflower (Conoclinium coelestinum), a fairly prolific herbaceous perennial with frilly, pale blue flowers. I wanted something different so here’s a photo of a black-eyed Susan from behind, with a bit of mistflower in the foreground. Actually, we have some mistflower with white flowers. I don’t know if that’s a common, natural variation or not, but they are nice. I should photograph them at some point.

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