Daily Archives: October 16, 2014




It had been a particularly busy day, with lots of things to do after work, as well as during work. Then, at about 10:00 this evening I realized I hadn’t taken any pictures. I generally prefer it when I happen to see something and think to myself, “I should take a picture of that.” Pictures like yesterday’s rainbow are especially nice, because there isn’t any question that I’m going to think about taking a picture. Having to pick up my camera and find something to take a picture of, that’s not so much fun.

Of course, taking pictures of Dorothy or of Cathy is an easy out, but I try not to do it too often, at least not for the purposes of this blog. Rest assured that I take pictures of them now and then, either together, with friends, or individually. This evening, though, I asked Cathy if I could take her picture for the blog and she happily said yes. Well, it sounded happily. I appreciated it, anyway. And if I say so myself, I think it’s a pretty good snapshot.

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