Neurocolpus nubilus (Clouded plant bug)

Photograph taken by on Friday, June 12, 2015
Neurocolpus nubilus (Clouded plant bug)

Neurocolpus nubilus (Clouded plant bug)

We have a daisy like flower called feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) growing in various places around our yard. It’s a happy plant and although it self-seeds fairly liberally, it isn’t so invasive that it’s a real pest. I was taking pictures of the flowers today when I noticed this bug crawling from flower to flower. It is one of the plant bugs in the genus Tanacetum and I think it is T. parthenium, the clouded plant bug, although I’m not 100% sure of the species. They all look fairly similar. I’ll update this once I hear the expert opinion of This image at

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