“Are you born a lover or a hater?” That’s the question the folks at https://www.marmite.co.uk/ (a.k.a. Unilever) are asking. It does seem true that people either love or hate Marmite. I’m a lover but I hate the fact that it’s hard to find around here. Some Giant stores carry it, as well as World Market and Rodmans, but generally you can only get it in the titchy 125 gram jars (on the right in the attached photo), which is maddening. Online shopping has been a thing for a while now and this is an item that’s worth the wait. I just bought two, 500g jars (on the left in the photo). That’s 2.2 pounds of the wonderful, aromatic, slightly salty, ambrosia. But is someone really going to spend £89.99 (roughly $125) for a DNA test kit to find out if they are predisposed to love or hate Marmite? Not when you can buy a little jar and simply try it. And when you discover you’re a lover, then you’ll happily order it by the kilo (for less than $30 in the USA and including shipping).
Posted under Food/Drink and tagged with Anglophile, Breakfast, Breakfast of the gods, British, Food, Marmite, Yeast, Yeast Extract
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Monday, February 12, 2018, Marmite
#anglophile #breakfast #breakfastofthegods #british #food #marmite #yeast #yeastextract
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.
#anglophile #breakfast #breakfastofthegods #british #food #marmite #yeast #yeastextract
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.