We had a little snow squall today, starting a little after noon. The temperature was above freezing when it started and when this photo was taken from my office window. The issue wasn’t really with the amount of snow that we were forecast to get, which ranged from two to four inches. The problem was that the temperature was supposed to drop to about 15°F (-9°C) and all the water and slush on the roads would freeze. When it snows at those temperatures, the snow isn’t nearly as slick as snow just below freezing. But ice is pretty slick regardless. Anyway, we’ll see what this does to tomorrows school closings. Not that we care so much about those now. The main effect they have on us is the reduction in traffic for our commute.
Snow Squall
Posted under Miscellaneous and tagged with Snow, Snow Squall, White, Winter
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Tuesday, January 29, 2019, Snow Squall
#snow #snowsquall #white #winter
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.
#snow #snowsquall #white #winter
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.