Allium moly, commonly known as golden garlic, is a pretty, ornamental flowering onion with bright yellow flowers. I have this growing long side our front walk, although it has been surrounded by other plants so it isn’t as prominent as it was when it was first planted. I really should have more of this. It blooms after the majority of bulbs are done, so helps fill a gap in the blooming cycle. It’s also a lovely, bright yellow, which is hard to miss. I have it growing next to a small Siberian iris called ‘Eric the Red’ and the two go very well together, with purple and yellowing being a really good combination. They are also on the small side for their respective genuses. Highly recommended.
Allium moly
Posted under Flowers and Plants and tagged with Allium, Allium moly, Bulb, Bulbs, Garlic, Golden Garlic, Hardy Perennial, Yellow
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Wednesday, May 22, 2019, Allium moly
#allium #alliummoly #bulb #bulbs #garlic #goldengarlic #hardyperennial #yellow
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.
#allium #alliummoly #bulb #bulbs #garlic #goldengarlic #hardyperennial #yellow
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.