We had our annual family reunion on the way home from the beach this year. It alternates between the Saturday we head down and the Saturday we head home. Either way, it makes for a long day but I for one really enjoy it and it’s one of the highlights of my year. I manage to keep in pretty good touch with a few of my second cousins and it’s good to see them face to face. We didn’t take a large group photo today but I got pictures that included most, if not all the 50 or so people there. We did get pictures of the five remaining first cousins, who were all there.
The Cousins
Posted under People and tagged with Cousins, Family, Family History, Family Reunion, Reunion
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Saturday, August 03, 2019, The Cousins
#cousins #family #familyhistory #familyreunion #reunion
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.
#cousins #family #familyhistory #familyreunion #reunion
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.