In the back of our garden, near the fence where there was a huge rose bush, there is a clematis. For years it’s struggled to be seen among the rose, which was often out of control. Well, the rose is gone now, having mysteriously died last year. I’m sad about that, and wish it hadn’t died but at least this beautiful, white clematis is still there and is doing quite well, now that it’s getting the sun it needs and isn’t overshadowed by the huge plant. We will need something for it to clime on but for now, it’s just happy to be blooming in the sun.
White Flowering Clematis
Posted under Flowers and Plants and tagged with Bloom, Clematis, Hardy Perennial, Vine, White, Woody Perennial
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Thursday, May 07, 2020, White Flowering Clematis
#bloom #clematis #hardyperennial #vine #white #woodyperennial
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.
#bloom #clematis #hardyperennial #vine #white #woodyperennial
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.