Dorothy, Cathy, and I walked on the Seneca Greenway Trail this afternoon, parking where MD 28 crosses Seneca Creek and walking downstream. We only saw a few other people and it was a very pleasant walk. It’s relatively flat, with only a few ups and downs to deal with. The birds were out in force and we heard them all around, although we weren’t stopping to see them so much and didn’t really get very close to any. I did stop to take a few photos, including of this fig buttercup, also known as lesser celandine. It was formerly classified as Ranunculus ficaria but is now Ficaria verna. It’s an invasive, non-native species that grows in many of our wetlands.
Ficaria verna
Posted under Flowers and Plants and tagged with Ficaria, Ficaria verna, fig buttercup, Herbaceous Perennial, Invasive, Invasive Plant, lesser celandine, Non-Native Plant, Noxious Weed, Weed, Yellow
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Sunday, March 21, 2021, Ficaria verna
#ficaria #ficariaverna #figbuttercup #herbaceousperennial #invasive #invasiveplant #lessercelandine #nonnativeplant #noxiousweed #weed #yellow
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.
#ficaria #ficariaverna #figbuttercup #herbaceousperennial #invasive #invasiveplant #lessercelandine #nonnativeplant #noxiousweed #weed #yellow
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.