The cicadas are coming, the cicadas are coming. There are two, large red oak trees in our front yard, both on the county right of way and planted when the neighborhood was built at the end of the 1960s. One of them has less than a dozen cicadas on it, the other has hundreds. This is on the second and is one of a few cicadas currently exiting their exoskeleton and transitioning to adulthood. They’re kind of creepy at this stage, all white and maggot-like. Of course, they’re nymphs for 17 years, and they are king of creepy that whole time, so I guess that’s not so surprising.
The Cicadas Emerge
Posted under Creatures and tagged with Brood X, Cicada, Exoskeleton, Hemiptera, Insecta, Magicicada, Periodical Cicada
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Monday, May 17, 2021, The Cicadas Emerge
#broodx #cicada #exoskeleton #hemiptera #insecta #magicicada #periodicalcicada
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.
#broodx #cicada #exoskeleton #hemiptera #insecta #magicicada #periodicalcicada
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.