We went to Great Falls today and walked downstream on the towpath. We went out to the overlook and enjoyed the roaring water, which was considerably higher than the last time we were at the river. I got a few photos of two immature bald eagles flying overhead. Then further along the towpath we got a really nice view of this great blue heron (Ardea herodias) in the canal. There was, apparently, another down at wide-water, but we decided we had walked far enough and headed back. This one was catching what appear to be crayfish or some other sort of fresh water crustacean. He (or she) didn’t seem to mind the attention from the shore and let a lot of folks get photos.
Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)
Posted under Creatures and tagged with Ardea, Ardea herodias, Birds, CandO Canal, Great Blue Heron, Heron
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Saturday, December 17, 2022, Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)
#ardea #ardeaherodias #birds #candocanal #greatblueheron #heron
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.
#ardea #ardeaherodias #birds #candocanal #greatblueheron #heron
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.