We took a walk to Sandy Spring today after visiting Cathy’s mom. There wasn’t a lot to photograph but we did see this pair of hooded mergansers (Lophodytes cucullatus) on a pond near Sandy Spring Friends School on a path off from the main trail. They’re pretty birds and fairly easily recognized. We’ve seen quite a few of them this winter, possible more than in past years, but that may be because we’re paying more attention, especially now that I have my long telephoto lens and can get much better photos of them.
Hooded Mergansers (Lophodytes cucullatus)
Posted under Creatures and tagged with Birds, Ducks, Hooded Merganser, Lophodytes, Lophodytes cucullatus, Merganser, Water Birds
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Sunday, February 11, 2024, Hooded Mergansers (Lophodytes cucullatus)
#birds #ducks #hoodedmerganser #lophodytes #lophodytescucullatus #merganser #waterbirds
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.
#birds #ducks #hoodedmerganser #lophodytes #lophodytescucullatus #merganser #waterbirds
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.