Daily Archives: June 11, 2017

The Kids Are ‘Helping’

The Kids Are 'Helping'

The Kids Are ‘Helping’

Actually, after church these kids do help put things away. They put all the Sunday School and Nursery things back into the bins, they load those bins onto carts and bring them all to the storage area, where they get stacked (that part is generally done by an adult). Meanwhile, other things (generally larger, heavier, and more delicate things) are being put away, like the sound equipment. Some of the older kids help with that, as well, putting the music and microphone stands into the carrying bag. All in all, it’s a pretty well run process (as long as no one is away that week).

Today, after everything was put away, someone (and I don’t know who) decided to give the kids a ride. They came into the room and I told them to wait while I got my camera and took a few quick pictures. I also took some pictures of clematis blooming outside, but pictures of flowers are a dime a dozen.

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