Monthly Archives: May 2024

Peony ‘Coral Sunset’

Peony ‘Coral Sunset’

Peony ‘Coral Sunset’

Our peonies are in bloom and once again, I couldn’t be happier with these amazing flowers. They don’t have a particularly long blooming period and in general, they take longer to become really well established than some other plants but it’s hard to argue with even a few flowers like this. When I first planted them they sent up leaves and then a single bud on each of the three plants. Now I’m getting multiple flowers per plant and it should only get better as the years go by. These are especially wonderful in the morning when they are in full sun. What’s not to like?

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Tradescantia virginiana (Spiderwort)

Tradescantia virginiana (Spiderwort)

Tradescantia virginiana (Spiderwort)

This is one of my favorite perennials. It’s commonly known as spiderwort and we have quite a few of them growing around the garden. There are varieties with lighter, more yellow leaves. There are varieties with pinker (less purple) flowers. I’ve even seen one with white flowers but so far haven’t found that one for sale anywhere. I’d definitely get one if I did. Each individual flower lasts only a short time but there are so many of them, the plant is constantly in bloom for a good while. This one is growing on our back patio and I’m not sure it’s even in a container. I think it was in a plastic grocery bag and got left there and now you’d think it was in the ground, it’s so happy. It probably should be moved into the ground, but I hat to mess with a good thing.

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National Capitol Columns

National Capitol Columns

National Capitol Columns

With how our spring has been going, I really didn’t expect to get to the National Arboretum this year. Yesterday I was nearing my wits’ end and when Cathy suggested we go, I was very happy to agree. It was an absolutely beautiful day. As we often do, we start by parking near the National Capital Columns—shown here—and walk from there to the National Herb Garden, which includes their roses. It was a little late for the peak rose viewing but since I didn’t expect to get there at all, I was definitely happy with what I got. We didn’t spend as much time in the Herb Garden oval as in some years. Then we went to Fern Valley, followed by the Asian Collections and finally back to the Azalea Collections, visiting the Lee Garden pond and the Morrison garden—which I think is my favorite space in the arboretum.

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Archie McPhee Puzzle

Archie McPhee Glow Chamber Puzzle

Archie McPhee Glow Chamber Puzzle

Cathy’s brother Jim gave us this puzzle. We thought it was going to be glow-in-the-dark, but it’s just a regular photo of glow in the dark items. The puzzle itself doesn’t glow, which is a shame because that would have been awesome. Anyway, this was a really hard puzzle. Usually you find areas with patters or colors and you can sort of guess the general area where things go. With this, it was similarly colored items all surrounded by black. We had a lot of the individual items put together but it took quite a bit more work before we were able to start placing them in the overall outline. Looking at the box would definitely have helped and this illustrates why that’s cheating.

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Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla)

Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla)

Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla)

We went for a walk by Sandy Spring today, heading to the spring itself and then taking a loop down to the woods below, around past the side trail to Sandy Spring Friends School and then back up to the Sandy Spring Friends Meetinghouse, where we had parked. I got a few bird pictures, including a Carolina chickadee (Poecile carolinensis), an eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis) a gray catbird (Dumetella carolinensis), and this field sparrow (Spizella pusilla). I’m pretty sure this is my first actual photo of a field sparrow, although they are not uncommon.

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Pennsylvania Sunset

Pennsylvania Sunset

Pennsylvania Sunset

Cathy and I drove up to Pennsylvania late this morning to join Dorothy and some of her friends. Two of them had come up to work on their music bit and then after we came, they helped me plant four dawn redwoods (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) and ten Fraser fir (Abies fraseri). There is already one Metasequoia that dad planted something like 50 years ago and we planted the new trees in that same area to hopefully produce a small grove eventually. The firs are planted as Christmas trees and the plan it to plant ten or so every year for a while and then perhaps every other year after that so that we have a good, constant source for our own Christmas tree. These were little plugs, only measuring four inches or so above ground, so it will be a few years before any of them are ready to be used.

In the evening I built a fire and started cooking dinner only to have a rainstorm put out my fire. After the rain I was able to get the fire going again and then proceeded to overcook dinner. But we ate it anyway. And we got this sunset, which was pretty nice.

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Echinacea ‘Marmalade’

Echinacea ‘Marmalade’

Echinacea ‘Marmalade’

We made our annual pilgrimage to Fehr’s Nursery this afternoon. Cathy buys her Mother’s Day present on this trip and while I often pick out one or two things, it’s mostly for her. I do enjoy the flowers and bring my camera to take some pictures. I really like this coneflower, even though it’s not in perfect shape. We didn’t buy this one but got a pretty good collection of plants, both annuals and a few more perennials.

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Catalpa ovata at Sunfish Pond

Catalpa ovata, Sunfish Pond

Catalpa ovata, Sunfish Pond

We took a walk in Flower Valley Park this evening. I took my camera but for the most part it was too dark in the woods to get any pictures. I took some at Sunfish Pond and this is one of those, with a catalpa (Catalpa ovata) in bloom. It’s a nice tree for a large scale landscape, probably too big for many smaller yards but at maturity it can be quite impressive. In the early 19990s we were looking at houses and saw one north of Boyds with a very large catalpa tree. It was an interesting property with an outbuilding built as an observatory. The roof slid on tracks to open up to the sky for the previous owner’s telescope.

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