The obedient plant (Physostegia virginiana) is finally in bloom in our back yard. I feel like it’s bloomed a lot earlier in previous years but I don’t really know. This is mostly a new location for it, so maybe it will bloom earlier there once it is established. I went out to get some pictures of it late this afternoon, although the light wasn’t all that good. I managed to get this picture of a common eastern bumble bee (Bombus impatiens) on it, which I think is nice.
Bumble Bee and Obedient Plant
Posted under Miscellaneous
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Comments (1)
Tuesday, September 27, 2016, Bumble Bee and Obedient Plant
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.
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