This photo wasn’t taken by me, but I’ve already posted two photos from today that I did take, so I think I can get away with it. I don’t appear in many photographs and for the most part, that’s my preference. Nevertheless, I’m trying to learn that if I want to expect others to let me take their picture, I need to be willing to return the favor. Dorothy took this with my camera and while I don’t think it’s a particularly good photo of me, it’s at least evidence that I was there. Nugget falls is larger than it looks in this photo. The reality is that we’re quite a ways from it. If we walked so that we were right below it, you’d see how high it really is. I have a few photos like that, but this isn’t one of them, so you’ll just have to trust me, or better yet, go visit it for yourself.
Cathy, Henry, and the Dogs
Posted under People,Travel and tagged with Alaska, Alaska Trip 2019, Border Collies, Cathy, Dogs, Henry, Juneau, Juneau Alaska, Mendenhall, Mendenhall Glacier, Nugget Falls
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Monday, October 28, 2019, Cathy, Henry, and the Dogs
#alaska #alaskatrip2019 #bordercollies #cathy #dogs #henry #juneau #juneaualaska #mendenhall #mendenhallglacier #nuggetfalls
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.
#alaska #alaskatrip2019 #bordercollies #cathy #dogs #henry #juneau #juneaualaska #mendenhall #mendenhallglacier #nuggetfalls
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.