Dorothy rooted a leaf from a fiddle-leaf fig (Ficus lyrata) a while back and it’s done pretty well. We had it in the kitchen for a while and it got strong enough to stand without support, which is nice. We have since moved it to the dining room, where it’s a little less in the way, but the lower leaves don’t get any sun and they recently dried up and fell off. I really love the texture of the leaves as well as the patterns of their veins. After taking this photo (and some others) I happened to leave them on the sideboard. Cathy wondered where in the world these huge leaves had come from and what they were doing there. They’ve been thrown away now.
Ficus lyrata Leaf
Posted under Flowers and Plants and tagged with Brown, Dried Leaf, Ficus, Ficus lyrata, Fiddle-leaf Fig, Fig, Houseplant, Leaf
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Wednesday, November 20, 2019, Ficus lyrata Leaf
#brown #driedleaf #ficus #ficuslyrata #fiddleleaffig #fig #houseplant #leaf
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.
#brown #driedleaf #ficus #ficuslyrata #fiddleleaffig #fig #houseplant #leaf
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.