Tagged With: Anisoptera

Eastern Amberwing

Eastern Amberwing

Eastern Amberwing

Albert corrected me as to the identification. I had labeled it as Perithemis domitia, the slough amberwing. He correctly identified it as Perithemis tenera, the eastern amberwing. That makes more sense, base on where I took the picture and the range of the two species. Also, the differences in markings, although not glaring, are certainly enough to be definitive. Thanks, Albert.

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Dorothy thought she had to work from 4:00 to 9:00 PM today but she got a text just after 11:00 saying she was on from 11:00 to 4:00. Fortunately, we were just driving through campus as she got that, so we were there within minutes. Cathy and I enjoyed a walk around Coy Pond and I took a bunch of pictures, including of water lilies, a great blue heron, and this dragonfly. Later we went to the garden at Long Hall and I took more pictures. That was a nice garden with an interesting collection of trees, shrubs, and perennials. Recommended. We had dinner at La Victoria, a trendy but decent taco place just off of Cabot Street in Beverly.

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Wandering Glider (Pantala flavescens)

Wandering Glider (Pantala flavescens)

Wandering Glider (Pantala flavescens)

In a rare turn for late August, it was very pleasant outside today. The high probably wasn’t over about 82°F and it wasn’t humid at all. In the shade it was quite comfortable. To capitalize on such a nice day, Cathy and I met and took a walk around our company campus. Almost immediately when I went outside, I spotted this dragonfly, which I believe to be a wandering glider (Pantala flavescens), one of the skimmers. That ID may be wrong, but nevertheless, it’s a beautiful thing, with its dark yellow markings and striking red eyes.

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Plathemis lydia (Common Whitetail), Female

<em>Plathemis lydia</em> (Common Whitetail), Female

Plathemis lydia (Common Whitetail), Female

It was a warm but beautiful day out today and I have a few minutes in the mid-afternoon so I thought I’d take a walk to the empty lot next to my building. The drainage pond that I generally go to was quite large, overflowing the banks it’s had most times I’ve been, but above it, the ground was fairly dry and I had no problems getting around. I saw a green heron (Butorides virescens) and there were quite a few redwing blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) about. There were also a lot of dragonflies flitting around over the water. I got down on the ground by the edge of the pond and watched them, taking a few pictures now and then. I couldn’t really get as close as I would have liked but I did enjoy watching this female whitetail (Plathemis lydia) laying eggs in the water.

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