I mentioned the aphids on the Asclepias curassavica (scarlet milkweed) when I posted the photo of the large milkweed bug a few days ago. Here’s a picture of the aphids. It was fairly dark when I took this (7:45 in the evening) and I used a flash to light them, which allowed me to get reasonable depth of field. I used a flashlight give me enough light to focus, with the camera on a tripod (which I definitely should use more often). As I was taking the pictures, I realized the aphids were not alone. There is a larva of a lady beetle of some sort (probably an Asian lady beetle, Harmonia axyridis), feeding on the aphids. Unfortunately, there are too many aphids for this lone predator, and I’m going to need to take care of them myself.
Tagged With: Aphis
Aphids and Lady Beetle Larva
Categories: Creatures
Tags: Aphids, Aphis, Aphis nerii, Coccinellidae, Hemiptera, Insect, Insecta, Lady Beetle, Larva, Oleander Aphids, Yellow
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