I have yet another “insect on a black-eyed Susan” photo today. These are by far the most numerous flowers in our yard this time of year. They aren’t necessarily the insects’ favorite flower but most pollinators are fairly broad minded and visit lots of different plants. The Buddleia bushes are the clear favorites with the butterflies and the mountain mint (Pycnanthemum muticum) is probably the most popular with the bees and wasps, but they all visit the black-eyed Susans, as well.
Tagged With: Flat-tailed Leaf-Cutter Bee
Megachile mendica (Flat-tailed Leaf-cutter Bee)
Categories: Creatures
Tags: Bee, Flat-tailed Leaf-Cutter Bee, Hymenoptera, Insect, Insecta, Leaf-cutter Bee, Megachile, Megachile mendica
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