I took a few pictures of butterfly weed flowers this evening and I might have posted one of them. A little later I noticed this white leafhopper and got a few pictures of it, including this reasonably sharp image. Getting a good picture was made more difficult by the breeze, which was moving the stem the planthopper was on, but this one turned out pretty well. It was sharp enough for it to be identified as a northern flatid planthopper (Flatormenis proxima), one of our more common planthoppers. They do little damage and I left him alone to get what he needed from this plant.
Tagged With: Flatormenis proxima
Northern Flatid Planthopper (Flatormenis proxima)
Categories: Creatures
Tags: Bugs, Flatormenis, Flatormenis proxima, Hemiptera, Insect, Insects, Macro, Northern Flatid Planthopper, Planthopper, True Bugs, White
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