I was out with my macro on a 25mm extension tube this evening and got a few decent photos of this green bee. I labeled it a cuckoo wasp at first, but now I’m thinking it’s a green-sweat bee (Tribe Augochlorini). But don’t hold me to that. If I get a better identification, I’ll update this post. For now, all I can say for sure is that it’s a bee (Anthophila). I can also say that it’s quite pretty. It was moving around quit a bit and this was the best I could do at ISO 800, f/8, 1/100 second.
Tagged With: Green-Sweat Bee
Green-Sweat Bee
Categories: Creatures
Tags: Anthophila, Bee, Green, Green-Sweat Bee, Hymenoptera, Insecta, Sweat Bee
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Sneezeweed (Helenium ‘Mardi Gras’)
Cathy bought a few perennials over the weekend and I planted this one yesterday. It’s a sneezeweed called ‘Mardi Gras’ and it’s really nice. The flowers have a similar look to black-eyed Susans but it’s a different genus (Helenium). I happened to catch it with a little, green-sweat bee on it, which is a bonus. It prefers somewhat barren ground and isn’t supposed to do well in heavy clay, which is probably why I haven’t seen it around here. That’s really all we have. But hopefully it will survive, even if it doesn’t thrive too well.
Categories: Creatures, Flowers and Plants
Tags: Anthophila, Bee, Green, Green-Sweat Bee, Hardy Perennial, Helenium, Herbaceous Perennial, Hymenoptera, Insecta, Mardi Gras, Sneezeweed, Sweat Bee
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