These little metal bride and groom figurines were in my mom’s house and Cathy liked them, along with another man and woman who are sitting on a park bench. They are now being displayed in the post office that we brought from her mom’s kitchen and is in our sitting room upstairs now. Most of the cubbies are not filled but Cathy plans to move a bunch of things from the old desk that’s also in that room. Once she’s moved them, the desk is to be moved out, which will give some room back to the room. As for this old couple, they are a little worse for the wear, but then, aren’t we all. They’re still together after all these years, though, and that’s something to celebrate.
Tagged With: Groom
Maria and Evan
As mentioned yesterday, we went to southern Virginia for a wedding. This is one of the pictures I took at the wedding, with Maria and Evan, now husband and wife, recessing after the ceremony. The weather was pretty good. A little warm for my taste but then, if I was comfortable, most everyone else would have been shivering. There was the threat of rain but it held off and everything went beautifully. Maria was even more lovely than ever and the wedding went off with only one hitch (they got hitched). Here’s to the happy couple.