I have had this Clivia for quite a few years now, since a coworker left it to me when she stopped working here. I had it at home for a while but two years ago I brought it to my office and it’s been doing pretty well. It gets literally no direct sun light with my north-facing window but it seems to be doing well with that. They don’t tolerate frost and are grown as houseplants here but they must be wonderful in a garden in their native South Africa and Swaziland. The blooms, as you can see, are quite bright and vary a bit from the orange seen here to yellow and nearly red. Thank you, Emily, for this long-lasting gift.
Tagged With: Natal Lily
Clivia miniata (Natal Lily)
Categories: Flowers and Plants
Tags: Clivia, Clivia miniata, Houseplant, Natal Lily, Non-Native Plant, Tender Perennial
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