Dorothy got home yesterday and this evening we had the rest of the local family over for Indian carry-out. That’s one of our go-to meals and it doesn’t disappoint. For dessert, though, we went further east and I made mango with sticky rice. It’s actually pretty easy to make, although it’s taken me a while to get the proportion of coconut milk to sugar to rice where I want it. Having the right rice is fairly important, but in this area there are so many good Asian supermarkets that’s not a problem. And I bought a box of mangos. Each person gets about half of one but there are more in the box, if they care to cut one up.
Tagged With: Thai
Mango and Sticky Rice
Categories: Food/Drink
Tags: Coconut, Dessert, Mango, Mango and Sticky Rice, Rice, Sticky Rice, Sweets, Thai
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