The autumn clematis (Clematis terniflora) is coming into bloom. This is a fairly aggressive vine native to Japan. It can be a little invasive but if you have a largish area to cover, it’s not a terrible choice. It’s flowers are a lovely white and come late in the summer and continue well into the fall. One of it’s common names is sweet autumn virginsbower. We have it growing on the falling down fence at the southwest corner of our house (the southeast corner of our back yard). Cathy is especially fond of it and as long as I’m allowed to keep if confined to that area, I’m happy to let her have some.
Tagged With: Virginsbower
Early Autumn
Categories: Flowers and Plants
Tags: Autumn, Autumn Clematis, Black-eyed Susan, Clematis, Clematis terniflora, Rudbeckia, Virginsbower
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