As mentioned in my earlier post for today, it was a busy day. In the afternoon we went for a walk with Brian and Lisa around the airport. It’s a pretty place and it’s not like the busy airports we’re used to from the DC area with planes taking off and landing one after the next all day. It’s a relatively quiet place except for the occasional plane and we had a nice time outdoors. If you need a reason to go to Juneau, here’s one. It’s beautiful regardless of the weather. The clouds were high enough today that we could see the mountains pretty well. We didn’t have a clear day the entire ten days we were there but if you need clear skies to enjoy a place, then maybe it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. The airport walk is an easy one, with virtually no hills to deal with. Very nice for a mid-afternoon walk. Highly recommended.
Airport Flats
Posted under Sunrise/Sunset/Sky,Travel and tagged with Airport Flats, Alaska, Alaska Trip 2019, Clouds, Juneau, Juneau Alaska, Mountains
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Saturday, October 26, 2019, Airport Flats
#airportflats #alaska #alaskatrip2019 #clouds #juneau #juneaualaska #mountains
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.
#airportflats #alaska #alaskatrip2019 #clouds #juneau #juneaualaska #mountains
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.