In 1898, Cathy’s great grandfather traveled from the iron mines of Michigan’s northern pinensula to the gold mines of Juneau. Specifically, he worked in the Mexican Mine in Treadwell on Douglas Island, across the Gastineau Channel. In 1917 the mine flooded and all work ceased. This photo was taken from near the cave-in site, which is on the extreme right although it’s not really visible. As you can see, it was more overcast than the previous two days, which were pretty nice. We couldn’t see the top of Mount Roberts across the channel. Nevertheless, it was good to get out and to walk where Cathy’s ancestors had walked (although we’ve been there before, of course). The Treadwell Mine’s office building, which was in pretty rough shape when we lived in Juneau, has been cleaned, painted, and given a new roof.
Posted under Travel and tagged with Alaska Trip 2019, Douglas, Family History, Gold Mining, Juneau, Juneau Alaska, Treadwell
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Sunday, October 27, 2019, Treadwell
#alaskatrip2019 #douglas #familyhistory #goldmining #juneau #juneaualaska #treadwell
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.
#alaskatrip2019 #douglas #familyhistory #goldmining #juneau #juneaualaska #treadwell
See link to my blog in my bio, where there is more detail about each photo.