Longish story…
The Meridian International Center put together an exhibit of photographs illustrating U.S.-Afghan relations over the last hundred years. Of about 100 images, Cathy’s dad took about a dozen. We enjoyed the the opening reception for the show today along with Jim’s former student and very good friend Sultan and his wife (Homaira) and son (Zaid).
We (not to mention Dr. Curtis Sandberg) were happily surprised to learn that Sultan took one of the photographs (of President Eisenhower). But the real kicker came when Sultan and Zaid recognized the people in this photograph of “Princess Fatima” and her entourage from 1921. “That’s my great grandmother,” Zaid exclaimed! Sure enough, the picture is of Sultan’s grandmother (“Princess Fatima,” second from the right) and father (third from the left). The photograph was taken in Washington D.C., possibly on the roof of the White House.
How cool is that?
The Meridian has a portion of their web site dedicated to this show, including a gallery of all the images. In Small Things Remembered.