Cathy, Brian and I took a walk with the dogs through Switzer Meadow and then on a loop beyond Dzantik’i Heeni Middle School. Most of that later trail is in the woods, some of which is relatively young. The whole area was probably clear cut less than 100 years ago, so there are few if any trees older than that. Some areas seem to be pretty scrubby and one area looked like it was a homeless camp or party spot not too many years ago. It’s hard to tell because wood decomposes very quickly in this wet environment. It’s still a pretty walk for the most part and we enjoyed being out with the dogs.
Tagged With: Temperate Rainforest
Rainforest Walk
Categories: Flowers and Plants, People, Travel
Tags: Alaska, Hike, Juneau, Juneau Alaska, Rainforest, Temperate Rainforest, Trees, Woods
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